mercredi 17 novembre 2010

Can I Ride the Almost Famous Bus…Forever?

There are some movies that never get old; some movies that you can’t turn off if you glimpse even one passing scene as you skip through the long tail of lost channels on your trip to sleep. Many movies about music fall into this category for me. And few match up to Almost Famous.
To see the world through the eyes of William Miller; to live your love of music; to be backstage at the birth of your dream and understand the awe of it all. Man, that’s just brilliant. I can’t play an instrument to save my life, but that works for me. I’d rather love the music of others than grind at what would be destined to only half impress even myself. Destined to be a musical observer, I like what I see and love what I hear.
This is what the world looks like from the bus. And I’d love to be on that bus. It’s a perfect song for a perfect scene. When the band is losing it more than just a bit, they rediscover how they ended up on the bus in the first place. It’s Tiny Dancer by Elton John as channeled through the members of Stillwater.
You can find the rest of the songs from the movie at

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